Reader Review:

Star Trek: 25th Anniversary


Reader Review:

Graphics: 3
Music/Sound: 3
Video: 2
Challenge: 5
Replay Value: 2
Overall: 3

I remember this game well. This was the first Star Trek game ever
released, and is still fun to play today. For the NES (Nintendo Entertainment
System) the graphics were pretty good, especially the Turbolift scenes,
showing Kirk and Spock talking, well, not actually talking. White letters
would appear at the bottom of the screen. The story is basically this. The
Enterprise encounters a "hole" in space, gets pulled in, and is flung out of
Federation space, and ends up on the far side of Romulan space. Scotty
informs the Captain that power reserves a very low, and that they need to
find Dilithium if they ever hope to get back to Federation space. Basically,
for the entire game, you search for Dilithium. But it IS more fun then it

Graphics: 3
Well, for the NES, they're good! The Turbolift and Transporter scenes are
impressive. The Enterprise Intro is also quite good. The planets themselves,
at times, lack an interesting environment. Grass waves back and forth, people
move sporadically some times, and swamp water simply has a strange glow.
Nothing ground breaking, but still, the NES is only an 8-bit machine, with
limited graphics power, so I'd say leeway is in order.

Music/Sound: 3
Again, not great, not bad. Most of the music is from the series, although
you will find some new, but limited music. Sound, especially in the Turbolift
is annoying. Only music from certain planets, and the intro are worth

Video: 3
The Enterprise Intro is nice, but still, I believe they could have added
more scenes to the game. Oh well. At least the intro is nice and detailed.

Challenge: 5
Ouch. No, and I'm not talking about Generations awful controls. The crew
could be a bit more helpful, such as A Final Unity. The worlds are hard,
confusing, and often don't leave enough hints. The games controls, can at
times be clumsy, but they are tolerable. The game took me a long time to
complete, and that's good! Games are meant to keep you playing and thinking!
It makes the experience more worthwhile in the end.

Replay Value: 2
This is where it gets ugly. Once you beat the game, there's nothing more
to do. Since you already know what exactly to do on the worlds, it takes the
fun and mystery out of it. Once you beat it, that's it. Nothing more to do,
except replay it.

Overall: 3
This game has its up and downs, but don't all games? 25th Anniversary is
a game that makes you think "What would Spock suggest?". I do recommend this
game, if you can find it. Try FuncoLand, they specialize in old games, and
have fairly reasonable prices. Don't think 25th Anniversary is a one hit
experience. Take different crew members down each time, do things
differently, and maybe even use your imagination to enhance the game! You
might find out that it can have a dramatic affect on how much fun you have,
first, second, or third time around!