Reader Review:

Star Trek Omnipedia


AUTHOR: Dinobot
(Rating scale based on 1 to 5, 1 being terrible, 5 being great)

Graphics: 3
Music/Sound: 3
Video: 5
Challenge: N/A
Replay Value: 4
Overall: 4

    This must be one of the most overlooked games ever released under the
Star Trek license. Why do you say? Practically NOBODY has heard of it, or
mentions it, which is a shame. This is one of the most informative Star Trek
games released. It provides tons of info on the races, people, ships,
technology, the inner workings of ships, everything! It has video clips from
every series (Not every episodes, just various clips) pictures, screen
captures, you have to play the game to understand what I'm trying mention,
yes, it's that large. Of course, it doesn't have DS9's 5th season and up, or
all of VGR's 1st season, or First Contact movies and up, but that's because
it was released in 1996. But from 1996 and before, it has everything, from
every episode, including predictions on the All Good Things... timeline and

Graphics: 3
    Basic Federation Consol display, pictures are crystal clear, video clips
look great. Animations from various things such as The Picard Maneuver move
smoothly and nicely. That's about it I'm afraid.

Music/Sound: 3
    Not much, except the occasional "Accessing" voice, or when you click on
things. Voices and Music from Video clips are great quality. Again, that's
about it.

Video: 5
    I gave this a five, because what there IS, looks great, even considering
the clips are run by QuickTime 2.0. Remember, this is and informative game,
not an eye popping, graphic intense, game. The clips are their to give you
the feeling of what you are reading about, while some clips are just from the
shows themselves like "Cause and Effect" (TNG, shows the Enterprise Starboard
Nacelle exploded) and "Emissary" (DS9 Pilot, shows the battle with the Borg)

Challenge: N/A
    There is no challenge! You look freely through the Database, reading and
watching clips!

Replay Value: 4
    You can read it again and again, or watch Kirk and Sulu blow up the BoP
over Earth again and again. There is so much information, that you won't get
bored after the first week or so.

Overall: 4
    Give the game a chance, it not be heart pounding, or give you a headache
trying to solve puzzles, but this is very interesting info! What more can I
say? Except this: When I first bought the game, it came with a gold color CD,
that was a Premier Edition, I sent in the Card that came in the box, that
offered a free Star Trek: Omnipedia hat, little did I know that I would ALSO
get a free add on CD that doubled the info, clips, ect.! I don't know if
today they just include the blue CD add-on with the gold, or if they still
offer the free hat, and free add-on (It may have been a limited thing), but
have a feeling they may release another add-on CD (Maybe Green? Updated to
2001?!) soon (If rumors are true). As I said, give the game a chance, it's a
fun experience, and just might give you a better understanding of Temporal
Time Distortions!